Art Portfolio Cases

Red & Black Art Portfolio | Cachet Portfolio | A2

$308.54 (exc tax)
$370.24 (inc tax)
  • Suitable for A2 contents - art, photos and documents
  • Portfolio size 630mm x 440mm, with capacity up to 35mm
  • Red & black cloth
  • Non leather product
  • Durable and waterproof with buckram cloth binding
  • Gift presentation box included
  • Silver, gold or black foil personalisation aligned to the bottom right corner of the portfolio. 
  • Up to 10 words on 2 or 3 lines. For example:

Paul Fullstone

Watercolour paintings

Please provide the wording in the text box exactly as you wish it to appear on your portfolio

Current stock: 0

Foil Colour *
Calculated at Checkout